“Learn to start with what you have. The entrepreneurial spirit doesn’t wait for the perfect day to start a business, but rather starts small with a vision for growth.“ Ruth Nakalembe
WHO ARE YOU MENTORING? WHO ARE YOU HELPING ON LIFE’S JOURNEY? Mentor ship is about supporting and encouraging someone on their life’s journey. Pouring your life into their life. At DRI-Ug we mentor women and girls in entrepreneurship /business initiation, planning and management.
We target vulnerable women become economically self-reliant thanks to the support provided to them in starting businesses, and in accessing credit and social networks for socio-economic inclusion and transformation.
Targeted vulnerable women become economically self-reliant thanks to the support provided to them in starting businesses, and in accessing credit and social networks for socio-economic inclusion and transformation.
The project will specifically contribute towards increasing livelihood opportunities of the poor Women and Adolescent Young Girls living under absolute poverty ($2 Dollars a day) in the project area.